Friday, May 29, 2009


So today has been a day of normality. No funny thoughts, interesting tidbits, or something to bring me immediately to my blog to send into the webisphere (is that a word??). I did realize that I needed to blog today as I am trying to make it a daily thing. I was reminded to blog when I got a text from my friend Lindsay. She and her boyfriend started this thing where they come up with 15 things for each other to do the next week and for each thing not accomplished, a dollar goes into the jar. They have not decided what the money will be used for but a fun idea. One of the things he wrote for her was to blog this week... so that made me thing, Oh I haven't done that today!

So Lindsay and I are yes, Taylor Swift fans, and we got tickets to her show in Charlotte in September. Well... we are super excited, even if we are surrounded by teenyboppers, i.e. teenagers. So last night Linds mentioned she saw that the tickets for her show in Greenville went on sale today. I said, let's totally go!! I was half-kidding. But hey, you only live once. So we are now spending an entire weekend devoted to Taylor Swift in September. Yes, that's right, the concert on Friday night is in Greenville and on Saturday we see her in Charlotte. It should prove to be a fun weekend away to play!

The most exciting part of my day, besides finally getting my oil changed and tires rotated was while perusing ET online, I came across a wonderful thing. They released 15 minutes of the Twilight Saga: New Moon that is going to be shown on Sunday at the MTV movie awards! Nothing like a little anticipation of November to get you ready for the weekend! That and that on Sunday they are playing the whole trailer on the awards show.

Well, time to start my weekend!!!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Office Pets

So I was thinking on the way to work yesterday what a great thing it would be to have office pets. You know like a dog or cat that lived at the office and would serve as somewhat of a tension soother. I mean wouldn't it be nice to have a friendly face, wagging their tail upon your arrival each morning. I think it would help to cut down on workplace violence.

I was thinking about this when I walked through the back doors at my building. I was greeted by one, one of many, or our workplace pets... a roach. A big flying one that was on its last leg. Then I passed a cricket as I was walking back towards the breakroom to put up my lunch. That is where I encounter the rest of our pets-- yes, next to the breakroom. You see part of our offices are encompassed by DNR. But they are not the culprits. We have an educator (I guess you call her a wildlife educator) and she has many "pets". So yes, I have been sitting at my desk and watched a possum follow her down the hallway. In the room next to the breakroom (remind me to start buying my lunch), there is a small zoo of sorts. We have 3 snapping turtles, too many snakes to count and to think about, some fish, a blind owl, 2 possums (one is a baby named Sweet Pea), rats and mice (probably for the snakes to eat), and some other random things that I don't really care to know about. I have told them that the first day I come to work and see any of the snakes slithering down the hall will be the last day they see me!

I am not sure the office pet idea is a good one... well, maybe if you got to choose, as we did not.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gaggle of Skanks

Umm yes... I totally used/came up with/said out loud... "gaggle of skanks" at work. While I was referring to something that happened on The Hills, I am pretty proud of my new statement. It did make me think of back in the day, college, that we used to call each other "hoe-bag." My mom hated it!! She would get so mad at me when I would say that... so I often called her one too. I mean it was a term of endearment. Now, I would think it was weird if I walked up to one of my college friends and said, "hey hoe-bag." Now I choose nicknames... I think I call everyone by one. I wonder if nicknames came about from laziness or back to the whole term of endearment thing. I have always been a nickname kind of girl, as in I call everyone by nicknames... even my parents! They are Fred and Weeza. Umm... in real life they go by Frank and Lisa. My nicknames have varied so much in life... when I was little they called me Hazel... because one day I was down at the my grandparents farm in Mississippi and I wanted to call home and my grandpa told me I had to do it by myself. Well, the operator thought I said my name was Hazel, I cried because I didn't think my parents would know who it was! hahah. My cousin Carrie, more of a sister than a cousin, has always called me Heatho.

High school, cruel high school, my best friend Cara started calling me Hester thanks to 11th grade English. I wonder what my teacher's name was... College it was H-A, Ha, Heath, and so on.

OK so back to the gaggle of skanks... I love this new term... just hoping I can't use it in my life but only refer to that lovely thing that encompasses our summer tv-- reality shows, which I hate, except the Bachelorette!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon & Kate celebrate Memorial Day...

Monday was Memorial Day and well, I didn't do anything in particular that could be considered in celebration of the day. I did things I would normally do on a Saturday-- except on a Monday this time. I think it would be interesting to see how many holidays people actually celebrate. . .

One thing that was super prevalent Monday (but did not hit my radar) was that it was the premier night for the new season of "Jon and Kate + 8". I am not a fan of this show... so I am not up on all the gossip but I was well-aware of the recent "issues" in their family as it has been splashed on the cover of many magazines in the past week. We were in the middle of our favorite past-time watching the Bachelorette when someone got up to leave to go watch J&K+8... she explained a little about why it was such a big deal. Then I saw a tweet last night that said, "Jon and Kate + 8 teaser foreshadows divorce." Then I just saw on US Magazine a poll where you can vote whether or not you think they should "stick it out." I mean really, we are going to let the American public vote on whether or not they should get a divorce. Then what? Tell TLC the results so they can decide whether or not it plays into their show? Or so that someone related or close to them can go online and see this poll? How would you like to know that people across the country and possibly the world were voting on whether or not they think that they life they see you portray on tv is worthy of a divorce? This is total invasion of privacy. But I guess when you sign on to do a reality tv show about your family you lose all claims to privacy? Hmmm... do you think they have J&K+8 dolls? Like how they make action heroes? Remember Quints??? I think my mom still has those saved up with my Barbies... hahhaa. Ok, so I totally get why people are sometimes fascinated with these lives... I do enjoy a good Bachelor episode and I have been an accomplice in stalking the blog boards after the show has ended...

So I read an article today on Brooke Shields and she is quoted as saying she wishes she had lost her virginity earlier than she did at 22 years of age. She says it would have helped her to have a better body image, "I would have been much more in touch with myself". I almost fell out of my chair. I mean what in the world. I do not think that having sex automatically helps you to have a better body image. What a sad and disillusioned notion to present to young women. I know many young women who lost their virginity far before 22 years of age. Believe me, it is not an automatic fix to body image. Women struggle with their bodies their entire lives-- that is unless they are egomaniacs. Every woman I know has some issue with their body-- no matter what age they were when they lost their virginity. I know many more women who say they wish they had NOT lost their virginity when they did and wishing they were older... like 25 or older, and had waited until they were married. Trying to get a quick fix on who you are by having sex is not the answer. I am not the same person I was at 22 or even 25. Each day the Lord reveals more of Himself to me allowing me to grow and become more like Him. In this way, I am different every day. The answer to having a healthy body image is being content in who God has made in you. We were created in God's image (Gen 1:27)! How amazing is that? Although our sin allows us to feel that we do not measure up in many ways, we are His!