Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ok, so I have not been sleeping too well lately and part of it is my fault... well maybe all of it is my fault. I have really been into several things I am reading and they have been quite difficult to put down. However, I have just had a hard time winding down to go to sleep. And then last night... I made myself quit reading and go to bed early. I was just falling asleep when the big thunderstorm started. As I lay there praying for it to be over soon so I could actually get to sleep I started thinking about thunderstorms and being a kid again. I remember sitting in the window... who does that during thunder and lightning? apparently me... and counting the seconds in between the clap of thunder and the next lightning bolt. Someone once told me that if you counted the seconds in betweeen, you could tell how far away the storm was. The only thing was, I didn't know the formula! So, I would count the seconds and guess.

I am not really scared of storms and I still tell myself that it is God and the angels bowling... as my grandpa told me when we were little. But last night listening to the threatening sound and how loud and well really terrifying it sounded, it made me laugh harder at that notion. Then the nerd in me came out and I really wanted to research as to what thunder really is and what causes lightning... because apparently I wasn't paying attention that day in class...